Running time 3 hours

As usual for this monthly compilation, I’ve left the references to specific dates in the podcast so that you can, if you want, go to the specific blog post that has links and illustrations for that episode. They are all indexed on the right-hand side of the blog.
Thanks for your interest in this project. If you have questions or comments, please let me know, either here on the blog – there’s a page for Questions– or contact me by email at rigibson at I’ll try to respond. You can of course also leave a review on iTunes. I really do appreciate your feedback.
For 2016, I’m going to TRY to have more frequent new programs than I did in 2015. Some upcoming topics, many suggested by you listeners, include fluorescence in minerals, questions about the oxygen crisis back in the Precambrian, the Tepuis in South America, and more. Thank you!
—Richard I. Gibson